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Bicycle Repair Shop


Serving the Middle Rio Grande Region of Edwards, Dimmit, Kinney, La Salle, Maverick, Real, Uvalde, Val Verde & Zavala.


Registered Individuals that received services in the last 12 Mos.


Oct. 2024 Unemployment Rate


Job Orders Created

in the last 12 Mos.


Services to Employers

in the last 12 Mos.



We work closely with employers to understand the local labor pool and regional opportunities, we provide the resources, intelligence and tools you need to navigate the local market and build your workforce.The vision which the WSMRG Board will pursue in its endeavors is of a region in which all residents have the greatest possible opportunity for full and effective economic participation, private enterprise has the maximum opportunity to grow and develop in an orderly manner, and public services are organized and delivered in the most efficient and cost effective manner possible; a region in which all people have the greatest possible opportunity for economic advancement, businesses have the broadest possible opportunity to grow and develop, and government has the highest possible capacity to provide quality public service without constituting a burden on either the people or the economy.

The mission of Workforce Solutions Middle Rio Grande (WSMRG) is to assure the creation of a systematic, integrated system within the Middle Rio Grande Workforce Development Area through which its residents have access to quality employment and employment related education and training services, and its employers, public and private, can find skilled and productive workers, access services to upgrade the skills, productivity and competitiveness of incumbent workers, and assistance in creating new and expanded employment opportunities.


The Board has determined that the best way to serve job seekers is to provide employer-driven workforce development services. These services focus on employers' need for a knowledgeable, skillful workforce to help businesses become productive and competitive both locally and in the global market. Job seekers benefit from this perspective as more employment opportunities become available to job seekers through businesses success and growth resulting in increased employer participation in the workforce system and increase employment for opportunities for job seekers. The One Stop Services contractor will be charged with assisting the Board in its implementation of an employer driven One Stop Services.


Unemployment Rate 2023


Job Search

With an in-depth understanding of the local job market and established relationships with local employers, educational institutions and qualified job search support vendors, we provide you with the resources, intelligence and tools you need to succeed.

Child Care Services

Child care-related matters can  affect the daily routine of parents in the workplace. Finding a way to pay for child care so that parents can keep their jobs or train for better jobs is a constant challenge for many working families. Workforce Solutions helps eligible working families pay for child care.

Business Services

We work closely with employers to understand the local labor pool and regional opportunities, we provide the resources, intelligence and tools you need to navigate the local market and build your workforce.

COVID-19 Resources

To preserve public health and safety, we remain here to serve you remotely while our Workforce Solutions offices are temporarily closed to walk-in customers. Learn more about resources for Job Seekers, Parents and Employers.

Learn More
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Have a question?  Looking to hire? Want to become a Child Care Provider?  Email or call us!




Phone: 830-591-0141


Information Officer: Rosie Lozano

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Equal Opportunity Is The Law, Middle Rio Grande Workforce Development Board Dba Workforce Solutions Is An Equal Opportunity Employer/Program And Auxiliary Aids And Services Are Available Upon Request To Individuals With Disabilities. Tty/Tdd Via Relay Texas Service At 711 Or (Tdd) 1-800-735-2989/1-800-735-2988 (Voice).

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