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General Information: Providers


Workforce Solutions subsidizes the cost of child care services for eligible families in Dimmit, Edwards, LaSalle, Kinney, Maveric Real, Val Verde, Uvalde and Zavala counties through the administration of the Child Care Services (CCS) program. Child Care providers should be aware that the families they serve may be eligible for this assistance.


As a provider, you may receive this funding for the services you provide by becoming an authorized child care provider with Workforce Solutions. After receiving authorization the CCS parents record attendance daily by using the Child Care Attendance Automation (CCAA) system.  Providers will then receive payment, on attendance properly reported, weekly.


If you are interested in becoming a Workforce Solutions authorized child care provider, please contact Julie Hernandez by phone at (830) 876-1221 or by e-mail at


For information on Child Care Licensing, Standards & Regulations, visit the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services website.


The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) website also provides valuable information, including information on becoming an accredited provider (such as a Texas Rising Star Provider).



Child Care Provider Lists























Child Care Provider Forms & Logs

The forms are only for Licensed Centers and Homes, and Registered Homes.

Click here to access the provider forms and logs...



Provider Links & Contact Information​



Do you need new ideas for providing technical assistance?

Texas Health and Human Services, Child Care Licensing (CCL) is pleased to announce the availability of new free online training and technical assistance materials for child care providers! With funding provided by the Texas Workforce Commission, CCL contracted with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to develop 12 new online Health and Safety courses, 24 technical assistance documents, and multi-media resources for providers and child care licensing staff. All of the courses and materials are consistent with current Minimum Standards and also offer best practice guidance for our providers.


All online courses and training materials are available to the public on the Child Care Training page. The links below take you directly to the list of courses and materials that you can use to augment and support your TA discussions with providers. The online courses are available in English and Spanish, and the technical assistance materials are available in Vietnamese as well. These new resources are in addition to the training added in February 2015 related to the inclusion of infants and toddlers with special needs in child care settings.



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Have a question?  Looking to hire? Want to become a Child Care Provider?  Email or call us!




Phone: 830-591-0141


Information Officer: Rosie Lozano

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Equal Opportunity Is The Law, Middle Rio Grande Workforce Development Board Dba Workforce Solutions Is An Equal Opportunity Employer/Program And Auxiliary Aids And Services Are Available Upon Request To Individuals With Disabilities. Tty/Tdd Via Relay Texas Service At 711 Or (Tdd) 1-800-735-2989/1-800-735-2988 (Voice).

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