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Frequently Asked Questions:


Who qualifies for Child Care Services?


Anyone living in 9 County Middle Grande Rio Region, meeting the income guidelines and  working, attending school or enrolled in a training program or doing a combination of both for at least 25 hours a week for a single parent and 50 hours a week for a two parent household can qualify for Child Care Assistance


If I am eligible for Child Care Services, will I have to pay part of the child care cost myself?


Yes, depending on your monthly employment income before taxes (gross amount) and total household income which may include but is not limited to: Child Support, TANF, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance (UI) etc. as well as your family size.  You will be responsible for your parent share of cost also known as your co-pay.


How do I apply?


You can complete the required forms and either fax or drop off at one of the following centers.


Workforce Solutions​ Office 1





Workforce Solutions Office 2



How do I choose the right child care?


We are a provider choice program where parents have the option to choose their own provider.  You can refer to the Consumer Guide located in this website for more information.  If you would like assistance in choosing a provider please visit  You can also call 2-1-1 for further information. Please keep in mind that provider must be licensed with the State of Texas or can be an eligible (listed) family member.


If I get paid in cash and I don’t receive check stubs from my job what documents would I need to send in?


If you get paid in cash, you would need to have your employer complete a Employment/Income Verification Forms


I am having trouble paying my co-payment, are there options available to assist me?


Fee reductions are available for unexpected expenses.  You will need to provide receipts, invoices, or other documents to support your unexpected paid expense and a Child Care Specialist will determine if a fee reduction is applicable.


I lost my job but I am currently seeking employment. Would I still be eligible to receive child care?


You will have to report your job loss within 14 calendar days of the last day of employment. We offer child care services while seeking employment for up to 3 months. For more information please contact CCS at #### or ####


Who can be included in the total number of person in my household?


The number of persons in your household includes yourself, your spouse and your dependants under the age of 18 or other dependents that you are legally able to claim on your tax return. Note: A copy of the previous year’s income tax form will be required.


I am unhappy with my child care provider. Can I take them to another center or choose another provider?


Yes but you will need to contact CCS first to assess the situation.  You must also be current with the co-pay amount owed to your current provider.  If there is a health or safety issue, or if you move, the transfer can be done within 72 hours.  If there is no health or safety issue, the transfer will be made the first day of the following month. Care MUST be authorized by a Child Care Specialist before children can begin care with a new provider.


How is my co-pay determined?


Your monthly co-pay amount is determined by your monthly employment income before taxes (gross income amount) including: bonuses, tips, commission, incentive, Net Earnings from Self-Employment, Retirement Benefits, Taxable Capital Gains, Dividends and Interest, Rental Income, Income from Estate and Trust Funds, Workers Compensation, Death Benefits, and Disability Payments, including Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments, Lottery Winnings of $600.00 or greater, or Spousal Maintenance or Alimony must be included. As well as your family size and number of children receiving care. Your monthly co-pay will be based on a sliding scale.


Are my rent, electricity, car note, and other expenses taken into consideration when determining my eligibility and co-pay?


Unfortunately No. Your co-pay is based solely on your monthly employment income before taxes (gross income amount) including: bonuses, tips, commission, incentive, Net Earnings from Self-Employment, Retirement Benefits, Taxable Capital Gains, Dividends and Interest, Rental Income, Income from Estate and Trust Funds, Workers Compensation, Death Benefits, and Disability Payments, including Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments, Lottery Winnings of $600.00 or greater, or Spousal Maintenance or Alimony must be included. As well as your family size and the number of children receiving care.


Contact Phone Numbers:​


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Have a question?  Looking to hire? Want to become a Child Care Provider?  Email or call us!




Phone: 830-591-0141


Information Officer: Rosie Lozano

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Equal Opportunity Is The Law, Middle Rio Grande Workforce Development Board Dba Workforce Solutions Is An Equal Opportunity Employer/Program And Auxiliary Aids And Services Are Available Upon Request To Individuals With Disabilities. Tty/Tdd Via Relay Texas Service At 711 Or (Tdd) 1-800-735-2989/1-800-735-2988 (Voice).

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