On September 1, 2024, TWC will launch a new system called Texas Child Care Connection (TX3C) for the Child Care Services (CCS) program.
New applications for the CCS program will be temporarily unavailable from August 26, 2024 – September 2, 2024.
We appreciate your patience while Workforce Solutions Middle Rio Grande and the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) complete the transition to TX3C.
The new system will feature the following:
A new statewide application for families
An easy-to-use interface that works with mobile devices
A common user experience for all Texans
To learn about the accredited child care providers click here to go to the Provider's section and get a list of accredited providers.
The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Child Care Services department has created an online parent website as a new resource for families seeking information to meet the needs of children. The Online Parent Portal is an online source of information to assist parents in making informed choices for early childhood education, quality child care, children with special needs and child care financial assistance.
Online Parent Portal - TexasChildCareSolutions.org
Workforce Solutions strives to enhance the quality and availability of child care services using all available resources. This includes but is not limited to:
Professional development opportunities for providers,
Resources to increase capacity to care for infants and toddlers,
Training and/or resources for inclusion of children with special needs,
Equipment, curriculum and incentives to promote and reward quality child care services, and
Securing local funds to match federal dollars in order to provide assistance to more parent(s).
To learn more about the CCS program, please click on the links below:
The following partner websites may also provide valuable information related to child care services:
Department of Family and Protective Services - Information for Parents
Texas Workforce Commission - Child Care Services Overview